AD&D 2nd Ed. - Everything I have for Second Edition

When possible, the DM should select the magical items he gives out in his campaign. Sometimes, however, the DM has more pressing game matters on his mind. To determine randomly what magical item has been found, roll on Table 88. This table directs you to one of the specific categories in Tables 89 – 108.

Items followed by a group name are usable only by characters of that group.

Note: XP Value is the number of experience points a character gets for making an item.

D100 Roll Category
Potions and Oils
Miscellaneous Magic: Books and Tomes
Miscellaneous Magic: Jewels and Jewelry
Miscellaneous Magic: Cloaks and Robes
Miscellaneous Magic: Boots and Gloves
Miscellaneous Magic: Girdles and Helms
Miscellaneous Magic: Bags and Bottles
Miscellaneous Magic: Dusts and Stones
Miscellaneous Magic: Household Items and Tools
Miscellaneous Magic: Musical Instruments
Miscellaneous Magic: The Weird Stuff
Armor and Shields

Once the general category is determined, the DM can choose a specific item from the tables below. (Each item on the tables is given a die roll number so that the DM can select items randomly, if he chooses.) Some tables have several subtables. Each subtable has a range of numbers in parentheses at the top. To select the appropriate subtable, check the die listed after the table’s title. Roll the listed die and find the result in the number range at the top of one of the subtables. This is the subtable you read to determine which item in the list has been found.

For example, the Potions and Oils table has “(d6)” after the title. That means you roll a 6-sided die to determine which Subtable (A, B, or C) to read. If you roll a 2, for example, you check subtable A (which has “1-2” at the top); if you roll a 6, you read subtable C (which has “5-6” at the top). Roll 1d20 on the appropriate subtable to determine the specific item found. Then turn to the descriptions following the tables to find out what each item does.

Subtable A (1-2)
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Animal Control* 250
2 Clairaudience 250
3 Clairvoyance 300
4 Climbing 300
5-6 Delusion**
7 Diminution 300
8 Dragon Control* 700
9 Elixir of Health 350
10-11 Elixir of Madness**
12 Elixir of Youth 500
13 ESP 500
14-15 Extra-healing 400
16 Fire Breath 400
17 Fire Resistance 250
18 Flying 500
19 Gaseous Form 300
20 DM’s Choice
Subtable B (3-4)
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Giant Control* 600
2 Giant Strength* (Warrior) 550
3 Growth 250
4-5 Healing 200
6 Heroism (Warrior) 300
7 Human Control* 500
8 Invisibility 250
9 Invulnerability (Warrior) 350
10 Levitation 250
11 Longevity 500
12 Oil of Acid Resistance 500
13 Oil of Disenchantment 750
14 Oil of Elemental Invulnerability*  
15 Oil of Etherealness 600
16 Oil of Fiery Burning 500
17 Oil of Fumbling**
18 Oil of Impact 750
19 Oil of Slipperiness 400
20 DM’s Choice
Subtable C (5-6)
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Oil of Timelessness 500
2 Philter of Glibness 500
3 Philter of Love 200
4 Philter of Persuasiveness 400
5 Philter of Stammering and Stuttering**
6 Plant Control 250
7-8 Poison**
9 Polymorph Self 200
10 Rainbow Hues 200
11 Speed 200
12-13 Super-heroism (Warrior) 450
14 Sweet Water 200
15 Treasure Finding 600
16 Undead Control* 700
17 Ventrilaquism 200
18 Vitality 300
19 Water Breathing 400
20 DM’s Choice

* The type of creature affected can be determined by die roll (see the specific item description for more information).
** The DM shouldn’t reveal the exact nature of the potion.

Table 90: SCROLLS (D6)
Subtable A (1-4)
D20 Roll Item* Level Range
1-3 1 spell 1-4
4-5 1 spell 1-6
6 1 spell 2-9 (2-7**)
7 2 spells 1-4
8 2 spells 2-9 (2-7**)
9 3 spells 1-4
10 3 spells 2-9 (2-7**)
11 4 spells 1-6
12 4 spells 1-8 (1-6**)
13 5 spells 1-6
14 5 spells 1-8 (1-6**)
15 6 spells 1-6
16 6 spells 3-8 (3-6**)
17 7 spells 1-8
18 7 spells 2-9 (2-7**)
19 7 spells 4-9 (4-7**)
20 DM’s Choice
* See page 146 to determine whether a priest scroll or a wizard scroll is found.
** Level Range lists the range of spell levels on the scroll. Ranges marked with double asterisks (**) are used to determine priest spells.
Subtable B (5-6)
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Map
2 Protection-Acid 2,500
3 Protection-Cold 2,000
4 Protection-Dragon Breath 2,000
5 Protection-Electricity 1,500
6-7 Protection-Elementals 1,500
8 Protection-Fire 2,000
9 Protection-Gas 2,000
10-11 Protection-Lycanthropes 1,000
12 Protection-Magic 1,500
13 Protection-Petrification 2,000
14 Protection-Plants 1,000
15 Protection-Poison 1,000
16 Protection-Possession 2,000
17 Protection-Undead 1,500
18 Protection-Water 1,500
19 Cursed
20 DM’s Choice

The XP Value (experience point value) for spell scrolls is equal to the total spell levels contained on the scroll × 100.

Table 91: RINGS (D6)
Subtable A (1-4)
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Animal Friendship 1,000
2 Blinking 1,000
3 Chameleon Power 1,000
4 Clumsiness
5 Contrariness
6-7 Delusion
8 Djinni Summoning* 3,000
9 Elemental Command 5,000
10 Feather Falling 1,000
11 Fire Resistance 1,000
12 Free Action 1,000
13 Human Influence 2,000
14 Invisibility 1,500
15-16 Jumping 1,000
17 Mammal Control* 1,000
18 Mind Shielding 500
19 Protection 1,000**
20 DM’s Choice
Subtable B (5-6)
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1-2 Protection 1,000**
3 Ram, Ring of the* 750
4 Regeneration 5,000
5 Shocking Grasp 1,000
6 Shooting Stars 3,000
7 Spell Storing 2,500
8 Spell Turning 2,000
9 Sustenance 500
10 Swimming 1,000
11 Telekinesis* 2,000
12 Truth 1,000
13 Warmth 1,000
14 Water Walking 1,000
15 Weakness
16 Wishes, Multiple* 5,000
17 Wishes, Three* 3,000
18 Wizardry* (Wizard) 4,000
19 X-Ray Vision 4,000
20 DM’s Choice

* The power of these rings is limited by the number of charges.
** per +1 of protection

Table 92: RODS
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1-2 Absorption (Priest, Wizard) 7,500
3-4 Alertness 7,000
5 Beguiling (Priest, Wizard, Rogue) 5,000
6-7 Cancellation 10,000
8 Flailing 2,000
9 Lordly Might (Warrior) 6,000
10 Passage 5,000
11 Resurrection (Priest) 10,000
12 Rulership 8,000
13-14 Security 3,000
15-16 Smiting (Priest, Wizard) 4,000
17 Splendor 2,500
18-19 Terror 3,000
20 DM’s Choice


Table 93: STAVES
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1-2 Mace 1,500
3 Command (Priest, Wizard) 5,000
4-5 Curing (Priest) 6,000
6 Magi (Wizard) 15,000
7 Power (Wizard) 12,000
8 Serpent (Priest) 7,000
9-10 Slinging (Priest) 2,000
11-12 Spear 1,000*
13-14 Striking (Priest, Wizard) 6,000
15 Swarming Insects (Priest, Wizard) 100**
16 Thunder & Lightning 8,000
17-18 Withering 8,000
19 Woodlands (Druid) 8,000
20 DM’s Choice

* per +1 of power.
** per charge

Table 94: WANDS
D20 Roll Item XP Value
1 Conjuration (Wizard) 7,000
2 Earth and Stone 1,000
3 Enemy Detection 2,000
4 Fear (Priest, Wizard) 3,000
5 Fire (Wizard) 4,500
6 Flame Extinguishing 1,500
7 Frost (Wizard) 6,000
8 Illumination 2,000
9 Illusion (Wizard) 3,000
10 Lightning (Wizard) 4,000
11 Magic Detection 2,500
12 Magic Missiles 4,000
13 Metal and Mineral Detection 1,500
14 Negation 3,500
15 Paralyzation (Wizard) 3,500
16 Polymorphing (Wizard) 3,500
17 Secret Door and Trap Location 5,000
18 Size Alteration 3,000
19 Wonder 6,000
20 DM’s Choice