Portfolio Materials
This is a template page for the forthcoming site. Please check in periodically for updates on what sections will be completed in the future. Until all sections are built, please view samples of my work below. If you have any suggestions for the function of the site or other formats that would be preferable for viewing, please e-mail me at daniel@vanhiel.com.
Carroll/White Advertizing: Carroll|White website www.carrollwhite.com
Telvox: The Manor Golf & Country Club link to site
Graphic User Interfaces
CD-ROM*: Project Overview CD (Director) Product_Overview-dir.htm
*note that links in UIs are disabled Project Overview CD (Flash) Product_Overview-fla.htm
Flash Projects
Personal: Periodic Table of Elements Periodic_Table.htm
Products-Matrix Products-Matrix.pdf
Services-Managed Services-Managed_Services.pdf
Client Case Studies-Vail Resorts Client_Case_Study-Vail_Resorts.pdf
Solutions-Airline Solutions_Airline.pdf
Magazine Advertisement-Half Page halfpage_advert.pdf
Magazine Advertisement-Quarter Page quarterpage_advert.pdf
CD Labels:
Datalex CD_labels.pdf